Write for Us, Share your Gig Economy Knowledge with us.

Thank you for considering SelfWorkLand as a platform to share your insights, experiences, and expertise with our community of readers. We believe that everyone has a unique story to tell and valuable knowledge to share, and we welcome guest contributors who can offer fresh perspectives on personal growth, self-improvement, mental health, and more.

If you’re interested in submitting a guest post to SelfWorkLand, please read the following guidelines carefully:


Topics: We are looking for articles that provide practical tips, inspiring stories, and thoughtful reflections on various aspects of self-work, including but not limited to:

  • Mindfulness and meditation
  • Self-care practices
  • Overcoming anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges
  • Building resilience and coping skills
  • Personal growth and development
  • Relationship and communication skills
  • Creativity and self-expression
  • Career and entrepreneurship
  • Spirituality and well-being

Length and format: Articles should be between 800-1500 words, written in clear and concise language, and formatted with subheadings, bullet points, and/or numbered lists for readability. We also encourage the use of images, videos, and other multimedia elements to enhance the visual appeal and engagement of your content.

Tone and style: We value authenticity, empathy, and inclusivity in our content, and we expect our guest contributors to uphold these principles as well. Your writing should be respectful, non-judgmental, and free from any discriminatory language or stereotypes. We encourage you to share personal anecdotes, insights, and examples to make your content relatable and engaging.

Attribution and originality: All submissions must be original and not previously published elsewhere, including your own blog or website. If you reference or cite any sources, please provide proper attribution and hyperlink to the original source whenever possible.

Submission process: To submit your guest post, please send it as a Word document or Google Doc to [insert email address]. Our editorial team will review your submission and respond within 2-3 weeks. Please note that we reserve the right to edit or reject any submissions that do not meet our guidelines or quality standards.

Guest posts we don’t like

We don’t like guest posts that are promotional and look and read like ads. By all means, talk about products that you love, but this is not advertising space. Also, please respect other writers’ work and make sure the content is unique and not just copied from others. We also insist the articles are in English and well written.


Be unique

All articles should be of your own creation. Of course, you can get inspiration from other sources, but please be mindful of copyright laws. Our readers want interesting and engaging content, not re-hashes of other people’s work.

Be relevant

We’re a Gig Economy site, so that’s what our audience is interested in reading about.

Be careful

All articles must be factual and not incite or defame. We may reject or edit articles if we have concerns.